Pretty much screwed, but I have a plan..
I'm getting really worried about this christmas party we have in our town on the 25th December.. both Lars and dorthe are gonna be there. Lars is still upset with my guy-friends so he's pretty set-up for a fight.. I've tried everything I could to talk him out of it, but nothing worked, so now I think I have to threaten him with cutting. On top of that I have to be carefull not getting to drunk to controle myself if I see dorthe =/ I'm not looking foreward to it at all, but I'm still going just to show that I'm not staying home on their account, and I think my friends can stand up for them selves.. I'll just warn them..
So I wheighed myself today after fasting yesterday. I'm down to 60,7 kg.. so close at passing one of my goals.
I've put date on each goal and their're realistic, so hopefully that'll make it easier.
I'm gonna make candy for christmas with a friend today, so I'll prolly taste a couple of the things, but as long as I exersice tonight I'll be ok.
I've written down my wheight all year and here is a chart of how it's been going up and down..

I seriously hate christmas.. I'm not looking foreward to christmaseve at all.. I'm constantly depressed and sad or angry. When I'm a rare time happy I just need the catch a glimse of myself in a mirror before I'm depressed again :(
fat and ugly..
^maria >
I'm getting really worried about this christmas party we have in our town on the 25th December.. both Lars and dorthe are gonna be there. Lars is still upset with my guy-friends so he's pretty set-up for a fight.. I've tried everything I could to talk him out of it, but nothing worked, so now I think I have to threaten him with cutting. On top of that I have to be carefull not getting to drunk to controle myself if I see dorthe =/ I'm not looking foreward to it at all, but I'm still going just to show that I'm not staying home on their account, and I think my friends can stand up for them selves.. I'll just warn them..
So I wheighed myself today after fasting yesterday. I'm down to 60,7 kg.. so close at passing one of my goals.
I've put date on each goal and their're realistic, so hopefully that'll make it easier.
I'm gonna make candy for christmas with a friend today, so I'll prolly taste a couple of the things, but as long as I exersice tonight I'll be ok.
I've written down my wheight all year and here is a chart of how it's been going up and down..

I seriously hate christmas.. I'm not looking foreward to christmaseve at all.. I'm constantly depressed and sad or angry. When I'm a rare time happy I just need the catch a glimse of myself in a mirror before I'm depressed again :(
fat and ugly..
^maria >