The last couple of days have been tough. Lars hasn't done a singel thing wrong that I could get irretatet over. Don't get me wrong, that's not what I use to justify braking up ´with him, but it makes it all easier to have some concrete thing to blame.
I took a long walk with my friend Lykke yesterday evening, under the cover of having to help her with some advice. I told her how I felt and we disgussed a little back and forward all the aspects and consequences of the decision I'm gonna have to make. She could tell me what to do, which I knew wouldn't be right anyway. But I keep hoping for some simpel painless choice, and I keep postponing it. Hoping that some easy way will reveal itself to me.
When I got back from the walk and went to be, Lars wanted to fool around, which I honestly didn't feel like, so I rejected him. He said okay, but I could see him clearly in the dark. He was frustrateded, which is understandable, but I still asked him what was wrong. He said he was thinking about what he was doing wrong, and why he couldn't turn me on anymore.
In my head I was thinking a million thoughs at the same time, but I couldn't get myself to choice one and say it out loud. finallly I came to the decision that I could give him little peaces of the problem and what was going on so it wouldn't come all at once. I wanted to prepare him a little.
here's what I said: "I'm a little afraid that this could be because we perhaps in my point of view are slipping away from being lovers into being more friends or roomates. I'm not saying THAT's the reason, but what I mean is that I fear that's why." HE asked me again what he was doing wrong, which I had to tell him that he didn't do anything wrong, cuz as he could see we work great together when it comes to the apartment. He then suggested that he could move home for some time, cuz he was willing to do anything. I don't think I could feel anymore of a bitch at that point, but I just answared that I didn't know what was the solution to this.
The conversation was over, and we both attempted to sleep. I could se that Lars's eyes were open and blank so I turned away from him, so I didn't have to see him hurting. My brain constantly tried to put myself in his place, which was unbareble. I wasn't really sad if I only though about my own situation, but thinking about how this must be for him was more than I could handle, so I shutted my feelings of and thought about the pair of pants I've been thinking about purchasing.
This morning when Lars went of to work he was really depressed, but I pretended as nothing had happened. I'm fine today, except for I can't help feeling like a bitch when I think about how Lars is doing. Where is that mean and careless side of Maria when I need it?!
Lars is and will always be a special person to me because we've been through so much good and bad, but he really is more of a friend to me right now. I'm not sure how this formal thing is gonna go tonight, or how the next couple of days are gonna be, but I'm hoping I'll be true to my heart and not the coward and guilty side of me.