FriendsReal friends are someone you care about, and you trust they can hold your biggest secrets. True friends, will stay loyal and forgive you for your mistakes. I would go through a lot for these people, and I'll hate and hurt with them..
I never had a lot of true friends. I guess I'm just not good at trusting people, or perhaps you just don't find a lot of these kind of persons.
I had a really shitty day today, and I had to test one of my friends.. I don't know if I can say we worked through our issues. I always confront a person if I feel there is a problem. I simply can't stand people who avoids problems. I think they are cowards! well, I had this issue with one of my close friends, and I confronted her with it. We ended up finding a solution, but I was really depressed afterwards. I'm glad we could work through it, but I just couldn't help feeling a little scared that I had to loose her like i did with stick.. So I was a little depressed afterwards, and when I got home I ate a chocolatebar and purdge it up again cuz I just felt so fat.
I've started to talk a lot to this other gilr Lykke. She was in my french class for two years, but back then we were just classmates, and because she had anorexia and kept going in and out of institutions, we never got a chance to become friends. We are becomming really close, and have a lot in common with out "parental-problems" and we drink equaly much and don't judge eachother by it.
That is always a possitive thing, so I can now count my list of close frinds to 5, but only 2 of these knows me really well, and only one of those knows 97 % of my entire beeing.
I think that is a little bit scary, but I always keep this sort of shield up that will make me able to cope withotu friends... or so I try to let myself believe.. Sigh! who am I kidding! I would parrish

if I lost all my friends.
I know that one of my close friends is depressed tonight, and there is just nothing I can do, even though I would give anything to help...
I can't stand to see them hurt! Then I'd rather hurt for them.
well thinking about you if that helps :)