The day after tomorrow...
Lars hasn't answered my SMS and he hasn't written anything to me all day. I knew he was gonna be busy today, but when I got up I could see that he had log on to the internet before he left home, so he must have read the mail.
I'll post the letter so you can see what I'm so concerned by:
I’m sending this to you the day before you get you’re hat on. It took me about 2 hours to write this, and I’m now putting the final touches to it at 2 o’ clock.
There is so much I want you to know. I know this sounds odd, especially since we have only known each other for 4 months (since 2 march to be exact) and we’ve been a couple for 1 month here on Friday.
I just want you to know that you’re really special, we are so alike. You make me smile when no one else can. You make my heart beat faster when I look at you.
I love lying next to you when you sleep. You always keep me so close into you, and smile when I kiss you in your sleep. I listen to you’re breath for hours before I fall asleep. Even though I normally sleep a long time like you, then I can’t when you’re there next to me, cuz I’m anxious to wake up and spend time with you.
Now I feel like you’re slipping away from me. I’ve tried this 3 times before with you, so I should have the practice, but this time it hurts more than ever. I just want you to know this, before it’s too late… I would have preferred to tell you this when I was lying in you’re arms, but I don’t know if that situation ever comes again…
I know I’m not anything like your xs’es and that you prolly don’t like me just as much as any of them. I often wonder how I ever can live up to them. I’m weird and have a hard past. This is all something that comes with me. Something that you have to live with, but with you it’s like all my worries goes away. I stopped cutting and found a will to live again. I’m not saying that I’ll kill myself if you leave me, but I’ll miss a big support in my life.
You have really changed me in so many ways.
I thought I knew all there was to know about living, but I was wrong!
You accepted me the way I was, but I wanted to change and look the best for you. I didn’t feel good enough, standing there next to you, when you introduced me to everyone. You deserve a supermodel, which can spend every second with you.
I just want you to know that I don’t want to loose you yet, I’m not ready, and if you have to leave me… please make me hate you first, so it won’t hurt so much this time…
You should know by now that I hate these kind of soft letters. I always saw people that wrote them, as being soft cowards who didn’t have the guts to tell it face to face, but here I am writing one of my own.
There is nothing more woundable, then doing something like this, but I feel like it’s the only way I’ll ever get these things said to you. I’m so scared of what you’re reaction might be. I can imagine that at first you’ll be kinda chocked and can’t really believe that it is me writing something like this.
He he I wish I could see your face as you reed it, but then again I would be too scared… The rest is up to you, but I hope we stay together…
Btw don’t ask why I wrote this in English ;o)